Tips for Creating an Apartment Community with Facebook
Make sure it’s a Facebook page, and not a profile.Pages will provide you user analytics and weekly page updates sent to your email.
Create a vanity URL for your Facebook page. Using a vanity URL makes it easier for you to identify your community’s page and share it with others.
Sell without selling. Don’t start by promoting yourself and using Facebook as a means to lease apartments.
Get to know people, have conversations with them and learn their interests – then find ways to help them. Follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of the content you submit, share, comment and tag should not be about your community. Provide value to the conversation first and foremost, and you will gain trust and interest from your fans.
Share meaningful, relevant information with your fans on a consistent basis. Consider your resident demographics and what is important to them.
Cross-promote and market your Facebook page with local businesses and offer exclusive offers for Facebook fans.
Find interesting and creative ways to engage and interact with your residents. No one wants to visit a page that’s boring.
Attract fans that are relevant to your business, not cohorts, but potential clients.